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Fortis Şarj
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Nedavni događaji
Fortis Energy has signed an agreement with Pomega Enerji Depolama Teknolojileri for the installation of a 62 MW / 104 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) at the Oslomej 80 MWp Solar Power Plant.
Fortis Energy's General Coordinator Seçkin Dönmez and Head of Project Development Nevena Virijevic, accompanied Türkiye’s Consul General to Serbia in Niš, H.E. Atilla Küçüktalaşlı, on his visit to Bujanovac Municipality President Arbër Pajaziti.
A contract has been signed between Fortis Energy and Denizli Metropolitan Municipality for the installation of a 6906 kWp solar power plant.
Fortis Energy participated the regular members' meeting of The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (OIE Srbija).
Fortis Energy has acquired a biogas power plant with a capacity of 3.12 MWe located in the Güney district of Denizli in Türkiye.
Fortis Energy's leadership team paid a courtesy visit to H.E. İlhan Saygılı, the newly appointed Ambassador of Türkiye to Serbia.
Dolovo Biogas Power Plant 2MWe, located in the city of Pančevo, Serbia, is operating at full capacity.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Karabıyıklı Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 5,980 kWp, owned by the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality and undertaken by Fortis Energy.
Fortis Energy leadership team attended the Nordex Business Day Balkans on October 24 in Belgrade, Serbia.
Fortis Energy is now a member of The Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (OIE Srbija).
Fortis Energy will build a 7,272 kWp solar power plant for Konya Karatay Municipality.
Fortis has won the tender from The State Railways of the Republic of Türkiye to install 10,637 kWp rooftop solar power plants on Istanbul's Marmaray commuter rail station buildings.
Fortis Energy CEO M.Burak Uckardes, CEO of Eastern Europe Nikola Oklobdžija and CBDO Hakkı Baris KARACA attended the WindEnergy Hamburg 2024.
Fortis Energy has won Turkish Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality tender to build and operate a new 5,980 kWp solar plant.
Fortis Energy and POWERCHINA collaborate on 850 MW renewable energy projects in Serbia.
Fortis Energy is building two wastewater treatment plants integrated into the 9.36 MWe Karamanlı (1200m3/h) and 3.12 MWe Acıpayam (400m3/h) biogas power plants.
Fortis Energy obtains formal statement on grid connection from Serbian EMS for wind projects.
Fortis je kupio 180 MW(AC) solarni projekat sa BESS (baterijski sistem za skladištenje energije) u Sremskoj Mitrovici u Srbiji.
Fortis Energy attended the launch event of the @itu_racing's new electric race car "IST24".
Two generators of the Dolovo Biogas Power Plant have been fully commissioned.
Fortis Energy successfully completed Intersolar Europe energy fair!
Kaiser Robotics team, sponsored by Fortis Energy, represented Türkiye at the FRC World Championship held in the United States and achieved a significant success.
Fortis Energy’s COO, Velimir Gavrilovic, spoke to Balkan Green Energy News.
Fortis Energy is honored to host the esteemed Ambassador of Türkiye to Serbia, H.E. Hami Aksoy in Fortis Energy Balkan Regional HQ.
Fortis Energy participated in the Belgrade Energy Forum 2024, organized under the institutional sponsorship of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia.
Fortis Energy has become the main sponsor of ITU Sports Club.
Fortis Energy has completed solar power installation with a capacity of 1,118 kWp for the Turkish Konya Seydişehir Municipality.
Fortis Energy signed a strategic partnership agreement with Hopewind.
Fortis Energy's new biogas power plant is now operational. We have launched the 3-MW Dolovo Biogas Power Plant in Serbia.
We attended the Turkish Atlantic Security Conference: Energy Supply Security Summit, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye.
Fortis Energy has become a sponsor of ITU Racing,
Fortis Energy will participate in the Intersolar 2024 exhibition
Fortis Energy to install 1.118 kWp solar power plant in Konya
Fortis Energy plans biogas-to-biomethane upgrading with purification.
Fortis Energy has been received a plaque from the Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers for its contributions to the #energy and #construction sectors.
Fortis Energy plans up to 2 GW of renewable projects in Balkans.
Fortis Energy has completed the construction and installation of the turnkey EPC project, Prilep 9,984 kWp solar power plant in North Macedonia.
Fortis Energy's E.V. charging stations network continues to expand.
Fortis #Energy is currently developing three major #wind projects in Serbia with a total capacity of 481 MW.
Fortis Energy has completed the construction and installation of the Solar Power Plant with a capacity of 902,5 kWp for Turkish Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality.
Fortis Energy launched electric vehicle charging stations network, in three cities in Turkey.
Fortis Energy has become the sponsor of the KS Apolonia, one of the greatest professional basketball clubs in Albania.
We, as the Fortis Enerji team, have completed the first day of the #INTERSOLAR'23
We, as Fortis Energy, participated in the Solarex İstanbul 2023
1,097 kWp solar power plant project we carried out for Erzurum, Uzundere Municipality was completed.
North Macedonian Minister of Economy and Energy Kreshnik Bekteshi and ESM Director Vasko Kovacevski visited Oslomej Solar Power Plant.
Turkish Ambassador to North Macedonia, Skopje, Hasan Mehmet Sekizkök; paid a visit to Oslomej Solar Power Plant.
Happy Energy Workers' Week.
Denizli Acıpayam District Governor Mustafa Gürbüz visited our biogas power plant in the district.